Administrative Atlas

The present publication, Administrative Atlas of India 2011 contains the present administrative set up in the country as existed on 31st December, 2010. There are 35 States/Union Territories in the country. No new State or Union Territory has been formed since 2001. However, there have been significant changes in the number of Districts since the last Census. 47 new Districts have been created during this decade taking the total number of Districts from 593 to 640. A map has been specially added to depict the newly created Districts during the period from Census 2001 to 2011. A list of newly created Districts and the Districts from where these Districts have been carved out is also given in the table. An added feature is that the name of the District and the Sub-District are written within the District and Sub-District boundary in the maps for instant view. A separate list is also given in the left side of the State map for better clarity

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