The Training Division is attached to the Demography Division. In April 2018, the office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India (ORGI) has published the ORGI’s Training Policy (OTP). Accordingly, the Training Division arranges induction/promotional/in-service specialized training for personnel posted at ORGI as well as in the Directorates of Census Operations.

Also, the Training Division is responsible for planning, administration, and monitoring of the training of the Census functionaries across the country. The main areas of work of the Training Division are as follows:

  • Issuing Circulars for the Training of Census Functionaries.
  • Training of Census functionaries for conducting the Census.
  • Training of field functionaries for the Post Enumeration Surveys.
  • Induction Training of directly recruited officials/consultants of ORGI.
  • Training of ORGI officials for promotion as per the Recruitment Rules.
  • Need based specialized trainings for officials.
  • Nominating ORGI officials for specialized Training in other Institutes.
  • Organizing Seminar Lectures/Panel Discussions on contemporary topics related to the activities of ORGI.
  • Organizing training on Census and CRVS for officials of different countries.