Mobile APP Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for HL, NPR, PE and CRS Apps

  • HL App Name – Census of India 2021- HL (Google play store)
  • NPR App Name – Census of India 2021 – NPR (Google play store)
  • PE App Name- Census of India 2021-PE (Google play store)
  • CRS App Name- CRS-ORGI (Google play store)

Privacy Policy for HL, NPR and PE Apps

The information collected in the Apps, will only be used by the Government under the Act and Rules already in force and notified by the Government of India from time to time. These Rules and Acts are as follows:


For HL and PE Apps

  1. The Census Act, 1948
  2. The census Rules, 1990
  3. For The above Acts and Rules Click here


For NPR App

  1. The Citizenship Act, 1955
  2. The Citizenship Rules, 2003
  3. For The above Acts and Rules Click here


For CRS App

  1. The Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969
  2. For The above Acts and Rules Click here