BUDGET: Budget Division administers the budget related matters in coordination with Ministry of Home Affairs on the one hand and various divisions within ORGI and the Directorates of Census Operations (DCOs) on the other. Preparation of budget demands from MHA under Grants 49 & 30 at the Budget Estimates (BE) and at the Revised Estimates (RE) stage in coordination with other Divisions of ORGI, seeking supplementary grants, if required at any stage by any Division of ORGI, allocation of funds to different DCOs as per their requirement/demand & their existing/previous expenditure status, coordination and monitoring of audit paras of ORGI & DCOs, furnishing various periodical reports to MHA and IFU, dealing with Budget related RTI matters and grievances and circulating budget related circulars and instructions received from MHA or any other Ministry like Ministry of Finance and DONER etc. are a few activities performed by this Division.

INTERNAL FINANCE UNIT: The Internal Finance Unit (IFU) known as “Finance Section” of ORG&CCI has been created to examine the financial proposals of ORGI and the Directorates of Census Operations (DCOs) located in all States/UTs across the country. This is functioning under IFA appointed by the Finance Division of MHA, under strict observance of the terms and conditions, as stipulated in MHA.